CF-02-08- Where Do Codes & Standards Come From? Experts in the field Interested public Events (crimes, fires) Industry (manufacturers, insurance, owners) Agencies (fire, police, EMS) Typically updated in 3-year cycles (i.e. NFPA 72 – 2013, 2016 NFPA 70 –...
CF-02-05- Role of the AHJ The AHJ can approve and accept products & procedures Approval = indicates the AHJ will certify and support those products, applications or procedures Accepted = means that the AHJ considers it “adequate or equivalent” to satisfy a...
CF-02-04- Who is the AHJ anyway? “An organization, office or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation or a procedure” – NFPA Fire Department: Chief, Fire Marshal State Authority...