CF-02-43- Ways to Become Qualified Examples of qualified personnel shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Factory trained and certified personnel for the specific type and brand of system being installed Nationally recognized certification organization...
CF-02-42- Equipment & Personnel Equipment constructed and installed in conformity with this Code shall be listed for the purpose for which it is used The listing of equipment involves evaluation of the equipment to determine its suitability for a specific purpose...
CF-02-41- Listed Equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the AHJ. *Notice some of the devices on the example below are ‘Listed’ for UL864, Fire, and Intrusion and some are listed for only one or two...
CF-02-40- Labeled Equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that is acceptable to the...