CF-09.33 – Visual Inspections

CF-09-33 – Visual Inspections Required on all systems Annually Ensure there are no changes that affect equipment performance Inspect for building modifications, occupancy changes, device location, physical obstructions, physical damage, or degree of cleanliness *This...

CF-09.31 – Deficiency Reporting

CF-09-31 – Deficiency Reporting If a deficiency is not corrected at the conclusion of system inspection, testing, or maintenance, the system owner or the owner’s designated representative shall be informed of the impairment in writing within 24 hours email could...

CF-09.30 – Executive Software

CF-09-30 – Executive Software Changes to the system executive software shall require a 10% functional test of the system, including a test of at least one device on each input and output circuit to verify critical system functions such as notification appliances,...

CF-09.29 – Site-specific Software

CF-09-29 – Site-specific Software If a system change adds a single smoke detector to an existing initiating device circuit (non-addressable circuit), the Code requires that only the new smoke detector be tested for proper operation  If the system is changed by adding...

CF-09.28 – Site-specific Software

CF-09-28 – Site-specific Software When changes are made to site-specific software, the following shall apply: All functions known to be affected by the change, or identified by a means that indicates changes, shall be 100 percent tested. (i.e. adding an addressable...