CF-03-062- Section 3-7-Smoke Detector Requirements

CF-03-062- Section 3-7-Smoke Detector Requirements Detector Limitations Unless specifically designed and listed for the expected conditions, smoke detectors shall not be installed if any of the following ambient conditions exist: Temperature below 32°F Temperature...

CF-03-061- High Ceilings

CF-03-061- High Ceilings On ceilings 10 feet to 30 feet high, heat detector linear spacing shall be reduced in accordance with Table prior to any additional reductions for beams, joists, or slope, where...

CF-03-060- Shed Construction Spacing

CF-03-060- Shed Construction Spacing Sloping ceilings shall have a row of detectors located on the ceiling within 3 ft of the high side of the ceiling measured horizontally, spaced in accordance with the type of ceiling construction The remaining detectors, if any,...

CF-03-059- Peaked Construction Spacing

CF-03-059- Peaked Construction Spacing A row of detectors shall first be spaced and located at or within 3 ft of the peak of the ceiling, measured horizontally The number and spacing of additional detectors, if any, shall be based on the horizontal projection of the...

CF-03-058- Beam Construction Spacing

CF-03-058- Beam Construction Spacing A ceiling shall be treated as a smooth ceiling if the beams project no more than 4 in. below the ceiling Where the beams project more than 4 in. below the ceiling, the spacing of heat detectors shall be not more than two-thirds of...