CF-03-007- Manual Pull Stations Requirements Shall be: Installed so that they are conspicuous, unobstructed, and accessible. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be located within 5 ft of each exit doorway on each floor. Mounted on both sides of grouped openings over 40 ft...
CF-03-006- ADA Pull Station Requirements 4.2.5* Forward Reach. If the clear floor space only allows forward approach to an object, the maximum high forward reach allowed shall be 48 in. The minimum low forward reach is 15...
CF-03-005- NFPA Manual Pull Stations Requirements Shall be used only for fire alarm-initiating purposes Shall be securely mounted The operable part of each manual fire alarm box shall be not less than 42 inches and not more than 54 inches above floor level Combination...
CF-03-003- Section 3-1 – Manual pull stations Also known as- Manual Fire Alarm Box Manually Actuated Alarm-Initiating Devices. A manually operated device used to initiate an alarm signal. IBC-907.2 Not fewer than one manual fire alarm box shall be provided in an...