CF-03-118- Water Level Supervisory Signal Two separate and distinct signals shall be initiated: one indicating that the required water level has been lowered or raised (off-normal), and the other indicating restoration A pressure tank signal-initiating device shall...
CF-03-117- Fire Pump Supervision Electric fire pumps: Pump Running (alarm or supervisory) Power Failure Phase Reversal Engine-driven fire pumps: Pump Running (alarm or supervisory) Failure to Start Controller off “automatic” Trouble (e.g., low oil, high temp, over...
CF-03-116- Butterfly Valves A gate valve used to control water supply to sprinkler, deluge, water spray, foam and standpipe systems The Butterfly Valve controls water flow into the private system from the public water...
CF-03-115- Post Indicator Valves The unseen gate valve used to control water supply to sprinkler, deluge, water spray, foam and standpipe systems The PIV controls water flow into the sprinkler system from the public water...
CF-03-114- OS & Y Valve Outside Screw & Yoke – (aka- outside stem and yoke) A valve design in which the stem threads are above the packing gland or outside the valve body and there is a yoke to support the top or outer end of the stem Used to cut off...