CF-04-15- Notification Zones

CF-04-15- Notification Zones Notification zones shall be consistent with the emergency response or evacuation plan for the protected premises The boundaries of notification zones shall be coincident with building outer walls, building fire or smoke compartment...

CF-04-14- Evacuation Signal Zones

CF-04-14- Evacuation Signal Zones Undivided fire or smoke areas shall not be divided into multiple evacuation signaling zones If multiple notification appliance circuits are provided within a single evacuation signaling zone, all of the notification appliances within...

CF-04-13- Audible Characteristics

CF-04-13- Audible Characteristics An average ambient sound level greater than 105 dBA shall require the use of a visible notification appliance(s) In some occupancies, the ambient sound level is so high that the sole reliance on audible notification appliances would...

CF-04-12- Device Mounting

CF-04-12- Device Mounting Appliances shall be supported independently of their attachments to the circuit conductors mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s...