CF-08.49- Performance Based Technology

CF-08.49- Performance Based Technology Sharing Communications Equipment On-Premises. If the fire alarm transmitter is sharing on-premises communications equipment, the shared equipment shall be listed as communications or information technology equipment Most...

CF-08.48- Performance Based Technology

CF-08.48- Performance Based Technology If multiple transmission paths are used, the following requirements shall be met: Each path shall be supervised within not more than 6 hours. The failure of any path of a multipath system shall be annunciated at the supervising...

CF-08.47- Performance Based Technology

CF-08.47- Performance Based Technology Unless prohibited by the enforcing authority, governing laws, codes, or standards, a single transmission path shall be permitted, and the path shall be supervised at an interval of not more than 60 minutes A failure of the path...

CF-08.46- Performance Based Technology

CF-08.46- Performance Based Technology Conformance. Communications methods operating on principles different from specific methods covered by this chapter shall be permitted to be installed if they conform to the performance requirements of this section and to all...

CF-08.45- Performance Based Technology

CF-08.45- Performance Based Technology Transmitters using IP (Internet Protocol)  IP transmission over the public open Internet or over private IP facilities maintained by an organization for its own use  Transmitters using various (non-dialup) digital cellular...