CF-08.27- Proprietary Supervising Station

CF-08.27- Proprietary Supervising Station The methods of communications between the protected premises and the supervising station shall comply with the requirements: Transmitter located at the protected premises Transmission channel between the protected premises and...

CF-08.26- Proprietary Supervising Station

CF-08.26- Proprietary Supervising Station Systems that serve contiguous and noncontiguous properties, under one ownership, from a proprietary supervising station located at the protected property, or at one of multiple non-contiguous protected properties, at which...

CF-08.24- Remote Supervising Station – Personnel

CF-08.24- Remote Supervising Station – Personnel The remote supervising station shall have not less than two trained and competent persons on duty at the remote supervising station at all times to ensure disposition of  signals Duties pertaining to other than...

CF-08.23- Remote Supervising Station

CF-08.23- Remote Supervising Station Retransmission of an alarm signal shall be by one of the following methods, which appear in descending order of preference as follows A dedicated circuit that is independent of any switched telephone network. This circuit shall be...

CF-08.22- Remote Supervising Station

CF-08.22- Remote Supervising Station Remote supervising station physical facilities, equipment, operating personnel, response, retransmission, signals, reports, and testing shall comply with the minimum requirements of Section 26.5  Signal-receiving equipment shall...